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Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow "Angels"

  Here in the wonderful world of portable toilets we're like the US Postal Service. Rain, sleet, snow, or shine we still need to show up and clean these things because no matter what happens they will always be used.  Toilets are always hardest to clean in the winter due to the fact that everything freezes.  Let's face it folks, these things don't have heaters or carpet in them, and they've got no insulation so what else can it do besides freeze?  People seem to not want to sit on the sit on a regular day, never mind when they'll freeze their asses off.  So they stand on the seat and their aim just goes out the window.  Well, that freezes, and the next guy to come in has no choice but to hang from the ceiling.  I guess that's how this stuff ends up on the walls anyways.  And so on and so forth until...

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