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Saturday, February 5, 2011

The true worker.

     Last night I was watching Modern Marvels. I love that show; they always have something interesting to show you.  This episode drew me in cause they were talking about my job and how the truck was designed.  The part about my style truck was great.  They were talking to a guy who does this type of work for a living and he was saying that he credits the truck for doing all the work.  Well, I beg to differ. You see, the truck is just a tool that helps make your job easier but it does not do all the work.  The truck gets you to the site but not without the driver's help.  Sometimes driving the trucks can be a task all in itself.  A lot of the job sites have debris lying all over the place: nails or two by fours with nails, re-bar, or even a sharp rock. You also have to watch out for yourself.  You have to watch out for stepping on stuff, tripping over stuff, etc.  That's when you can start sucking out the unit.  That's when the real job comes in to play.
  A lot of the toilets, as you can see in some of my pictures, are pretty bad off.  All the ones they showed on TV were still clean, but that is what this blog is all about.  I'm out to show you the truth and the dirty side of the job.  Don't get me wrong, I love my job.  It's (usually) a great job to have.  It has its ups and downs, but there are more ups than downs.  All the different places you get to go and see, all the interesting people you get to meet along the way.  The only downs are the toilets where people obviously have no aim and you have to really scrub them to get them clean.  But I find that to be fun: taking something ugly and turning it into a restroom someone would be comfortable going in and using.  At the end of the day you can walk around with your head held high knowing you are making the world a little better one toilet at a time.  Ha ha.  Sometimes a customer will even call in to give you a compliment.  That makes you feel good about what you do.  I will end with saying the trucks don't really do the work.  They just make it a little easier.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Graffiti Friday,

Well here in the fine world of construction there are many interesting things that happen.  The thing that I think is best is how men don't seem to understand that they give themselves a bad name. Graffiti Fridays will be my weekly attempt to prove that we are still just like Cave Men.  Only I think that the true Cave Men had better taste in art and seemed to try harder to impress those around them.  Though some of the jokes and poems are funny some of them are just plain gross.  So enjoy this week's edition, and come back next Friday to see some more cave drawings.





Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow "Angels"

  Here in the wonderful world of portable toilets we're like the US Postal Service. Rain, sleet, snow, or shine we still need to show up and clean these things because no matter what happens they will always be used.  Toilets are always hardest to clean in the winter due to the fact that everything freezes.  Let's face it folks, these things don't have heaters or carpet in them, and they've got no insulation so what else can it do besides freeze?  People seem to not want to sit on the sit on a regular day, never mind when they'll freeze their asses off.  So they stand on the seat and their aim just goes out the window.  Well, that freezes, and the next guy to come in has no choice but to hang from the ceiling.  I guess that's how this stuff ends up on the walls anyways.  And so on and so forth until...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's A Dirty Job...

But I guess someone's got to do it, and I guess that someone's got to be me.  Everyone in my business knows construction sites are usually the worst, but none of us know exactly why.  Maybe it's the cold weather, maybe it's the rush to get a job done quickly (ha!), or maybe it's just plain old bad aim.  Be warned: these are some pretty bad ones.

 This one's really just to break you all in.  It's not so much nasty as just a little broken.
I...don't really know what that is on the floor.
 Okay, now we're gettin' dirty.

 Do you think it's full?

 C'mon people.  This is just plain wrong!

Okay, I'm just trying to see what you all can stomach with this one.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Howdy Folks

  Have you ever been on a job site or to a concert and needed to go to the restroom?  You open the door and...have to take a step back to decide if it's even worth it!  We know this happens all to often.  My job is to clean these things, and sometimes it is really hard to do.  This blog will document the odd, funny, and sometimes just plain gross experiences I have on a day to day basis.  So the next time that event port-a-john seems like a convenient place to break the seal think twice before making a mess.  I just might mock you for it.

Welcome to my blog.

Well in here I have decided to post pictures of some of the nastiest toilets. some will be very bad and not for the weak stomach kinds, I hope everyone will enjoy the footage.